Directions: Go North 2.5 miles on the road by the Galatia High School, then turn West for .8 miles, then North .7 miles.
Archibal Cocks Civil War Veteran Cpl 4 Mtd INF 1844-1926
Charles Ryan Civil War Veteran Pvt 1 Cav Indiana November 25, 1879- November 7, 1944
John Tate Veteran of the American Revolutionary War Serg 1 NJ Regt September 14, 1735- August 12, 1835
John V. Tate Veteran of the War of 1812 PVT 3 Tennessee MTD VOL November 15, 1789- October 5, 1858
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Picture 2 o f 2
John Tate Veteran of the American Revolutionary War Serg 1 NJ Regt September 14, 1735- August 12, 1835
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