Directions: Take Route 34, turn North on Macedonia Road (County Line Road), turn East on Cornerville Road, turn South on Halltown Road, turn East on Galatia Road and ·go 1/8 mile to cemetery sign.
William Curry Civil War Veteran Co H 131 Illinois INF 1811-1893
Andrew W. Hall Civil War Veteran Co E 13th Illinois Cav Born February 12, 1864
Russell Hall Civil War Veteran Co E 9th Reg III M.T.D. INF ·March 8, 1837- March 26, 1916
Jefferson Hartgrove Civil War Veteran PVT Co I 1 Illinois CAV 1833-1895
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Andrew W. Hall Civil War Veteran Co E 13th Illinois Cav Born February 12, 1864
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Russell Hall Civil War Veteran Co E 9th Reg III M.T.D. INF March 8, 1837- March 26, 1916
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Russell Hall Civil War Veteran Co E 9th Reg III M.T.D. INF March 8, 1837- March 26, 1916